Monday, October 13, 2008

S.O.T.: The Return Trip

At the earlier suggestion of my older brother, Roman & I did an overnight stop during the return bus trip to Christchurch. Of course, the overnight stay was in Dunedin. We could have stayed on the Intercity bus for the 12 hour journey to Christchurch, but our nerves weren’t up to the challenge. The experience is much different than a 12 hour trans-Pacific flight.

Lucky for us, Hogwartz was available again but this time we stayed in Room 1, which had a more Romanesque feeling. Our second stay in Dunedin was similar to the first except the cold Invercargill weather didn’t want to let us go. The steepest street in the world, Baldwin Street, currently 'resides' in this city and was photographed by my brother. I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to get a look but after hearing Roman describe the angle of the street, it didn’t sound so steep; the angle is below 45 degrees. Before saying goodbye to Dunedin for a while, Roman & I paid one last visit to a restaurant on the Octagon where I ordered a tasty lamb meal.

The bus ride back to Christchurch went well for the most part, passing by the same landscape that I saw several days ago. Only two annoying women sitting behind me were disruptive, talking loudly because they couldn’t handle the silence.

Roman & I stayed at my campus residence for the night because he had to leave bright and early to catch his morning flight. And I’m talking really early, like waking up at 4am to board a 6:30am international flight. Before a taxicab carried him off, Roman thanked me for putting up with me and taking part in the backpacking trip. He hoped to see me one day in Australia.

I would have to agree that our six-day backpacking excursion turned out to be a success. In all, we spent $300 - $400NZD each to pay for hostels, food, alcohol, and any souvenirs. It would have been higher if our parents didn’t volunteer to pay for the bus tickets. Thank you once again.

Why did I spend so much over one week? Because I was travelling on the assumption that it would be a while before I’d get another opportunity to backpack across Middle Earth. There will be another time, but I have to raise the necessary funds meaning I need a summer job. With the trip now over, I suppose its time to go back to scanning the Classifieds in The Press.

Hey! I can make a $1000 a night being a pole dancer! Yeah, right. (Note extreme sarcasm.)

End of Southern October Tour 4 part mini series.

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